
I feel rather strange,
My situation quite deranged.
It’s as if I always knew
How my life would be arranged.

Well, I wouldn’t call it a “life” anymore,
That ended rather soon.
Wait, you want to know who I was before
I held your hand under the moon?

Well darling, I’m very suprised,
But if you insist, you win.
If it’s you I must entertain tonight,
Then let the show begin!

I was the brightest star in the sky,
I was your loudest battle cry,
your sweetest lullaby,
the sparkles in your eyes,
your saddest goodbyes,
I was the voice that told you to try.

I was the hottest and fiercest fire,
I was your most intimate desires.
I was every friend you gained,
I was everything that brought you pain.
I was your very last breath,
I was the sweet release of death.

Wait you want my name?
Well I have several.
Some call me God and some call me the devil.
Some think I’m wild and some think I’m tame,
some think I’m just a game who’s to blame
for everything that makes you see what you became.
Some say I’m cruel to support their claims
that say I bring shame
to the human race and everything beyond its weak
and subtle frames.
Now I know that your aim
is to either knock me down or bring me fame,
but to me you’re all the same.

You want to blame everything on something you can
The one who’s responsible for all your fright,
your darkest night,
your brightest light,
your strongest bite,
your most memorable sights,
and even your inspiration to write.

But maybe you’re right.
Maybe all I am is life.

Ilana Zoya Glisik, 8.a

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