Začarana omara

Bilo je v nedeljo zvečer. Zunaj je močno deževalo, veter je zavijal in grmelo je. Nikakor nisem mogla zaspati, zato sem se premetavala po postelji sem ter tja. Da bi lažje zaspala, sem v mislih odpotovala  v čarobno omaro. Vstopila sem vanjo in videla, da ima na drugi strani vrata za izhod. Močno me je zanimalo, kaj je na drugi strani, zato sem jih odprla. Prišla sem v zelo čudno deželo. Tam sem videla origami ptice, vse iz čokolade, mačke iz jagodne marmelade in ne boste verjeli, tudi ribnik iz čisto kristalne vode. Bilo je, kot v raju, vendar ko sem se obrnila, nisem videla vrat, ne omare. Mimo je prišel žele medvedek. Vprašal me je kaj delam. Odgovorila sem mu, da iščem čarobno omaro. Žele medvedek me je napotil h gori iz penic. Povedal  mi je, da pot zelo nevarna, pelje mimo kokakolinih vročih gejzirjev, bananinih tigrov in mimo jabolčnih levov. Dal mi je zemljevid in že sem se odpravila. Pot je bila strma in spolzka, a že sem tam videle kokakoline vroče gejzirje. Tja sem vrgla kovanec, in zelo hitro je zgorel. Čuvaj gejzirjev, mi ni dovolil noter, v prepovedano območje gejzirjev. Čuvaj ni mogel več poslušati mojega sitnarjenja, zato  me je spustil noter. Zemljevid je kazal na skriti gumb, ki naj bi dvignil skriti most. Nekaj rdečega sem videla med jagodnimi skalami. Ko sem se ga dotaknila, sem zagledala most. Šla sem čez njega in na drugi strani sem videla brlog. Na zemljevidu je kazalo, da je to brlog bananinih tigrov. Šla sem čisto tiho, a me je opazil mladiček bananinih tigrov. Mladiček je bil zelo neškodljiv. Postal je moj sopotnik. Dala sem mu ime Rexi. Prišla sva do brloga jabolčnih levov. Tudi tukaj sem poskusila biti zelo tiho. Vendar Rexi se je začel igrati z mladičkom jabolčnih levov. Zato sem še njega vzela zraven. Njemu pa sem dala ime Simba. In že smo prišli do gore penic. Plezali in plezali smo in že smo priplezali do vrha. In res, tam so bila vrata, ki vodijo v drugo deželo. Poslovila sem se od Rexija in Simbe. In že sem bila noter. Doma je bila še vedno nevihta. In mama me je poklicala na večerjo. Zdaj veste vso mojo zgodbo.

Julija, 4.d

Moji morski prašički

Imela sem štirinajst morskih prašičkov. To kolonijo sta naredila Čarli in Lili. To sta bila dedek, babica, mama, oče, teta in stric. No, začnimo na začetku. Njuni prvi mladički so bili Kokos, Kepica, Rjavko. Lili in Čarli sta bila res poseben par. To je bila ljubezen na prvi pogled. Kepica se je celo zaljubila v svojega brata Rjavkota. Kepica je bila čudovita mama Rožice, Kokota in Lili mlajše. In tako se je nadaljevalo Rožica se je zaljubila v Kokota in skotila Marjetico, Spominčico in Jonija. In tako nas zgodba pripelje do zadnjega para in mladičkov. Marjetica in Joni sta imela tri mladičke : Snežinko, White in Bobija. In tako je zgodba končana.

Julija, 4.d


Bil je čudovit dan. Grofica in najmlajši brat Janez sta se nameravala poročiti. No, pa kar pričnimo z zgodbo.

Vse je bilo že pripravljeno. Čakali so še ženina in nevesto. A, nekaj ni bilo prav… Grofice ni bilo v gradu. Poslali so stražo naj prejiščejo celo deželo. Janeza je zelo skrbelo za svojo ljubo nevesto. Tako jo je šel iskat tudi sam. Grofice ni bilo nikjer. Potem se je Janez spomnil na grajsko klet. In res tam je bila. Vsa prekrasna in čudovita v svoji obleki. Janez in grofica sta hitro pohitela do matičnega urada. Ko je matičar povedal zaprisego, sta se Janez in grofica nenehno poljubljala. Nato je sledila torta in ples. Plesali so tri dni in tri noči. Grof Janez in grofica Lidija sta imela dve punčki Mijo in Lijo, pa še enega fantka Lijama. A nekega dne Lijam močno zboli. Peljeta ga k lisici. Lisica ju napoti na travnik, na njem rastejo modro zelene rože, ki močno zdravijo. In res na travniku so bile prav takšne rože. Mama Lidija je takoj naredila čaj iz njih. Lijam se je takoj počutil bolje.

Tako so vsi živeli srečno do konca svojih dni. Zdaj veste vse o zgodbi z poroke.

Julija, 4.d

Visitors from space

Victor Whistler is a clown. Last night he had a strange encounter with  ‘something’ from another planet. He was outside the circus tent. It was 10 pm. It was a clear starry night. Suddenly he saw some bright lights. A UFO landed in the field behind the circus tent.

Victor was a curious man and he went to look for ‘the thing’ to see what it was. What he saw was unbelieavable. He saw an UFO. His dreams were coming true! He wanted to become a scientist, but the future was never on his side. ‘Finally!’ he thought. Victor saw a ladder come out and he waited the aliens to go out. He didn’t see their faces, because it was dark outside. All he saw was that the aliens were very tall with a huge head. Before the ladder went back in, Victor quickly climbed up into the spaceship.

Inside, the ship was huge! The flashing lights were everywhere. UFO was a lot bigger on the inside, then the outside. He didn’t understand how this was possible. He saw huge screens with pictures of other planets and cities. On the other screens there were also videos of the Earth and cities which were a lot more interesting than ours. Finally he came to the control panel which was covered with glass. He was very happy, but also confused. The control panel was full of flashing buttoms on which were some sights he didn’t understand.

Suddently he felt that the floor was moving. Three aliens came into the UFO. They were wearing special helmets so he couldn’t see their faces. All he could see was their eyes. One of the aliens was a beautiful woman with beautiful blue eyes. He couldn’t look away from her eyes. Finally one of the aliens spoke first. He said that Victor could take a ride. He immediately agreed, still looking at her eyes. She took of her helmet and she seemed even more beautiful. She looked like a normal human being with a beautiful smile. Everything on her just seemed perfect to him. The way that she smiled, the way she looked at him, even her voice was beautiful.

The other aliens were turning up on the spaceship and they made it invisible, but Victor was still lost in her eyes. She, too couldn’t look away from him. When they finally looked away from each other, they were far, far away from the Earth. Aliens showed him our gallaxy. It was huge and gorgeous. They were flying through different gallaxies and circling around a lot of planets and stars. Victor still couldn’t stop staring at her eyes. They reminded him of something, or maybe someone? The woman from his life. During all this they were talking. He had to concetrate really hard not to get lost in her sweet voice. Before he could realise, they were back in our solar system. Before landing, they orbited the Earth.

They landed softly on the place they launched. Aliens let him out and he and the woman said goodbye and they hugged for a very long time. When the UFO flew away, Victor just stayed there with tears in his eyes. Then he sadly walked home and went to sleep.

The next day he just couldn’t stop talking about his journey. He told about it to all the people that worked with him at the circus, even the animals, but everyone just laughed at him. At the end of the day he was all down, so he decided to go to a bar.

He knew that his friends wouldn’t listen to him either, but still he had a little hope. But just like he thought, everyone just laughed at him, before he could even end the story.

All sad he went back to his tent. He just sat there for a long time. All of a sudden he heard a strange and loud voice. It was like it was coming from his head. Before he could do something he opened his eyes. He woke up in his room and then noiced that what he had heard was his alarm clock. He dressed and went to the kitchen. The breakfast was already on the table. He greeted his lovely wife and kids, but he just couldn’t look away from his wife’s eyes. They seemed so familiar to him and they reminded him of something. Or maybe someone?

Alina, 7.b